4,821 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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MATH1013 Uni. of Sydney

its pretty difficult

6 years ago

KSA102 Uni. of Tasmania

A lot of content to cover.

6 years ago

KRA114 Uni. of Tasmania

Great unit.

6 years ago

KPZ164 Uni. of Tasmania

Well planned unit

6 years ago

KPZ163 Uni. of Tasmania

Was a well planned unit. Some assignments could have been better explained though.

6 years ago

PHRM20001 Uni. of Melbourne

Not as much memorising as I thought there would be, but still a fair bit. If you fall behind too muc...

6 years ago

PHYS1171 Uni. of Qld

This course was very similar to Qld Senior Physics with and interesting biological twist (such as ca...

6 years ago

CHEM1200 Uni. of Qld

Really well structured course and a good follow on from CHEM1100. Fairly challenging content, but th...

6 years ago

SCI2010 Monash Uni.

Hated this unit. What a waste of money. Definitely needs to be a first year unit as multiple other p...

6 years ago

PHY2042 Monash Uni.

The lectures were pretty garbage, everything was very long winded so it was hard to discern what inf...

6 years ago

IMM2022 Monash Uni.

Really great unit. Not too much content and the lectures went into detail and explained it everythin...

6 years ago

DEV2022 Monash Uni.

really well organised unit, very few assessments which made it easy to keep on top of things. lectur...

6 years ago

PSYC10004 Uni. of Melbourne

The content is much more interesting than MBB1 in my opinion, if you just keep up with the work then...

6 years ago

PHYC10008 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject has a lot of content especially if you don't have physics background. There is very lit...

6 years ago

PSYC10003 Uni. of Melbourne

The Assignment is relatively easy if you follow instructions. If you are an arts student then behavi...

6 years ago

MAST10012 Uni. of Melbourne

Personally, i didn't do math in high school so this subject was quite challenging. They go through t...

6 years ago

BM1001 James Cook

Completely random and unnecessary subject. Easy subject content.

6 years ago

SCI2010 Monash Uni.

Some of the content was interesting, might have been better as a first year unit. Make sure you do t...

6 years ago

CHM1022 Monash Uni.

Found the organic lecturer at the start to be really difficult to follow, he didn't seem interested...

6 years ago

BIO1022 Monash Uni.

Really enjoyed this unit. Different lecturers every 2-4 lectures and they were subject matter expert...

6 years ago

200022 WSU

Stephen Weissenhofer is a great lecturer for the unit!

6 years ago

BIOL1320 Macquarie

Pracs were mainly for assignment work. Referencing requirements were hard to follow. Felt like Lectu...

6 years ago


The subject was interesting, however many of the lecturers weren't great and went off topic quite of...

6 years ago


This subject was pretty easy, however the lecturers aren't great.

6 years ago

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