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Latest activity on Science subjects at Uni. of Melbourne...


This was a hard subject ngl, but it was the first bio level 2 subject that I did that was actually m...

2 years ago


As a pure math student I have to say this wasn't my favourite class, but I have to acknowledge that...

2 years ago


If Chris Duffy is teaching this class in future, you will really love this class. During the COVID s...

2 years ago


Since noone has posted about this, here's a perspective from someone doing chem 2 without chem 1 - i...

2 years ago


Highly recommend as a summer intensive! Not as hard as I thought it would be. It is content heavy wi...

2 years ago


Hard, but really interesting and well taught. Highly recommend

2 years ago


Great subject if you're interested in maths

2 years ago


I aced VCE Chem and I guess Chem 1 was alright but it's not like what VCE Chem sets up university ch...

2 years ago


4.5 STARS This was a small subject (about 30 students) and seriously underrated IMO. The lectures a...

2 years ago


The delivery of this subject was quite disappointing, which is a shame as the lecture content itself...

2 years ago


While this subject wasn't the best-run in the world, don't get disheartened by all the negative revi...

2 years ago


Easy WAMbooster! Low workload, generous marking (I got full mark for all assignment i.e. proposal, e...

2 years ago


Please don't do this subject unless you must. In my experience I found it to be poorly coordinated,...

2 years ago


This subject was decent, overall. The content was interesting, although it did get somewhat repetiti...

2 years ago


This was a great subject! The content was always fascinating and felt highly applicable to everyday...

2 years ago


Overall a decent subject and not difficult, especially if you're interested in Python. It does start...

2 years ago


Lecture content was quite easy and very interesting. A lot of broad topics were discussed and you ar...

2 years ago


Very interesting subject, the content was occasionally challenging but not discouraging. My biggest...

2 years ago


tl;dr - good subject, challenging but rewarding, do the work and try to enjoy learning the new conce...

2 years ago


Quite an interesting and easy subject content-wise, especially if you have done physiology before. L...

2 years ago


Starts off difficult and gets easy in my opinion

2 years ago


I found this subject to be alright. Definitely content-heavy but do a transcription and you are fine...

2 years ago


This is the thesis subject and would be difficult to give a fair review. Overall, don't underestimat...

2 years ago


loved loved loved this subject so much mainly because Charles' lectures were really good! highly rec...

2 years ago

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