- Subjects
- Health
- 184 USQ Health textbooks
- 28 USQ Health tutors
- 72 USQ Health ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Health subjects at USQ...
Great class! Lots of info, really good examples for easy understanding. Excellent lecturer
5 years ago
Hopeless. Outdated textbook full of errors prescribed for this course. Lectures & tutorials consiste...
7 years ago
Excellent course. Well planned. Great support. Interesting material. Loved the res school! Can be co...
7 years ago
Excellent course. Well planned. Very supportive staff. Wonderful textbook & additional materials. V...
7 years ago
Best subject I've done at USQ yet. So well formatted & planned out. The other lecturers need to take...
7 years ago
Excellent, loved it. Very easy. Everything is in the lecture slides, and book. If you follow that yo...
7 years ago
There were things that weren't properly covered during the subject in the exam. Make sure you follow...
7 years ago
Heavily assignment based, easy if you keep on top of things
7 years ago
Not bad, it was only 2 assignments which I felt was quite lazy. If you're on top of things you'll do...
7 years ago
As with chem 1: exceptionally interesting content and presented in an outstanding way by Mark.
7 years ago
Only offered online and obligatory residential school attendance over break
7 years ago
Thoroughly enjoyed this course.
7 years ago
So incredibly interesting and useful in everyday life as well
8 years ago
Was a great subject with famtastic lecturers. I studied externally and really enjoyed the Res School
9 years ago
A few different lecturers shook things up, but an otherwise easy course.
9 years ago
Seriously boring course, although you could get away with not going - mostly common sense.
9 years ago
Online teaching good, but face to face tutorials weren't engaging
10 years ago
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