• 508 Macq. Other textbooks
  • 18 Macq. Other tutors
  • 366 Macq. Other ratings and reviews

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So much better than PSY248!!! Loads of content so you've gotta keep up, but the lecturers are engagi...

5 years ago


From 2018 there was a new convener, so don't worry about previous comments about the old convener/le...

5 years ago


didn’t enjoy many of the screenings, but still felt they were necessary to help me get a bigger pict...

5 years ago


Fantastic unit. Lots of information but very easy to digest. Normally the assessment topics are cove...

6 years ago


A lot of information and but it is interesting so easy enough to keep up with it. The tutorials were...

6 years ago


A LOT of content to cover relative to other psychology units, and it's often presented as a list of...

6 years ago


Humorous teacher. His report structures help a lot. The only and biggest problem is that his feed...

6 years ago


Lots of content, but getting through it all is doable. The literature review has a lot of support in...

6 years ago


Very interesting subject and most lecturers are very knowledgeable. Good introduction to neuropsycho...

6 years ago


Loved this subject. While I found it a bit boring listening to other peoples presentations for 6 or...

6 years ago


Much better than second year! Although there are some complex concepts to grasp, the lecturers were...

6 years ago


Although i agree that the content is daunting and the lecturer can be quite condescending, this unit...

6 years ago


Lecturer is quite condescending and the material is hard to follow and convoluted.

6 years ago


Awesome subject, lecturer is very interesting and covers a wide range of topics. Definitely requires...

7 years ago


Personally, I enjoyed this subject, but as others have said it is very tough! Hang in there, and if...

7 years ago


This unit is so fun, and the lecturer/tutor (Dennis) is such a delight. That man is at least fifteen...

7 years ago


Not as bad as you may think! I struggled with trying to wrap my head around a lot of the content and...

7 years ago


Like a lot of psych courses, there was a lot of information to take in however the final exam is mul...

7 years ago


Great unit to get an idea on what neuropsych actually is (many people think its an continuation of b...

7 years ago


Super relevant interesting content! Not super difficult, but its a great basis to have.

7 years ago


Very interesting but a bit difficult to study for, given the variety of theories taught and the appl...

7 years ago


An unit that held its second test (10%) on the final day of semester just before exam day, with the...

7 years ago


This is the worst unit I've ever done at Macquarie. Unfortunately it's mandatory for my degree. The...

7 years ago


Talk about something that is NOT hard science... this is the unit... (along with personalities)... A...

7 years ago

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