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You definitely need background knowledge of chemistry to pass this unit. The unit convenor has such...

8 years ago


A lot of content. Fairly easy to do well in if you try hard on the final.

8 years ago


There is a huge amount of content to remember, but each detail is really interesting - totally worth...

8 years ago


Course subject is interesting and engaging. Excursion to Smiths Lake is fun - depending on the weat...

8 years ago


If the unit convenor is the same one - just be prepared for some heavy workload at the end of the se...

8 years ago


All I can say is it's very content heavy and disorganized.

8 years ago


I found the content wasn't too hard to memorise, and it was fairly interesting (although I found tha...

8 years ago


Great subject, really interesting and the lecturer is great!!

8 years ago


One of the most engaging lecturers I have ever had! I did this as a Planet unit and struggled with h...

8 years ago


Brian is a legend, I never thought I would enjoy plant biology. Was an interesting subject and taugh...

8 years ago


This unit could have been so much more interesting, it was a shame it focused on the duller side of...

8 years ago


Hated every moment of this subject, literally had to stop listening to the lectures. Luckily the lec...

8 years ago


Enjoyable subject with clear learning outcomes. Lectures were well structured and the practicals wer...

8 years ago


Interesting subject with good overall coverage. Basic physics terminology sometimes used in order to...

8 years ago


Easy subject and enjoyable topics

8 years ago


Although I had a great tutor, the subject has a lot of difficult content that you are expected to un...

8 years ago


Loved this subject. I have always been a sworn anti-science student but I really surprised myself th...

8 years ago


The assignments are super useful, as well as the practicals providing you with good tips and techniq...

8 years ago


Definitely agree with the other reviewer, the assignments provide you with useful techniques. Overal...

8 years ago


I agree with the other reviewer who says it's better to have one lecturer than two. The content beco...

8 years ago


A lot of content, but interesting stuff! The practicals aren't boring, and very interactive such as...

8 years ago


Fairly dull subject in terms of lectures, and the lecture notes are of no help when it comes to stud...

8 years ago


Very disorganised. Content heavy. Not impressed.

8 years ago


Content-wise, although this unit is highly theory-based, it explores some very interesting concepts...

8 years ago

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