- Subjects
- Architecture & building
- 54 RMIT Architecture & building textbooks
- 13 RMIT Architecture & building tutors
- 12 RMIT Architecture & building ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Architecture & building subjects at RMIT...
A subject taught by "academics" who seem to have no real world experience, that results in a course...
4 years ago
Really enjoyed this class
9 years ago
Extremely challenging for first semester as it is a whole new language of study.Be prepared for some...
10 years ago
Tutors are helpful and lectures are knowledgeable. But lectures can be dull sometimes mainly because...
10 years ago
Hands on approach to understand how building performs by model making . Tutors are vary helpful too....
10 years ago
It was a great subject. If you attend the lectures and pay attention, there is no reason not to do w...
10 years ago
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