• 215 RMIT Arts textbooks
  • 8 RMIT Arts tutors
  • 46 RMIT Arts ratings and reviews

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It's great!

10 months ago


This class was so bad. Lecturer left before the semester was over and Belinda Clarence the PM took o...

1 year ago


This course was so interesting! Ruth is such an engaging lecturer. I would say though that the cours...

3 years ago


This class provides an understanding of power, culture and structure within organisational practices...

3 years ago


This course really relies on tutorials as it’s main form of teaching. The lectures are short (upside...

4 years ago


I loved this course and it has been one of my favourites I’ve taken. The lecturer and the tutors wer...

4 years ago


Ruth was a WONDERFUL lecturer. So organised, prepared, funny, and got the most out of every class. S...

5 years ago


This subject was pretty painful. The classes were mostly table discussions or one person talking wit...

5 years ago


If you want to gain a rich, valuable understanding of music, then take another class. This class con...

5 years ago


This was such a fun class and has inspired me to keep working on my Spanish. The staff are amazing.

8 years ago


Laura was a very strict teacher but that can be a good thing because then it forces you to complete...

9 years ago


Not well designed for International Studies students, overly focused on surveys/social work-style st...

9 years ago


This was a pretty fun subject. Involved a lot of filming videos on Vine, looking at things different...

10 years ago


This is an engaging class that I really enjoyed. I liked reading a wide range of literature and lear...

10 years ago


I loved Film TV 1. Coordinators and tutors are excellent and gave us all the information and trainin...

10 years ago


Fun course, let's you create and control a project from start to finish and gives you all the tools...

10 years ago

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