5,219 Arts subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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INGS3601 Uni. of Sydney

Really great capstone for the whole unit - interesting, engaging, and majority of assessment is base...

6 years ago

BLAW10002 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject gave a very clearly insight into what it would be like to study law. A very heavy readi...

6 years ago

SOLS10001 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject is mainly theory. Many students will be attracted to title if they intend to study law...

6 years ago

ECON1001 Uni. of Sydney

Not pretty good. Especially for mini essay.

6 years ago

INTS10001 Uni. of Melbourne

One of my favorite subjects this year! Really interesting content and Daniel McCarthy is a really en...

6 years ago

BLAW10002 Uni. of Melbourne

Good lecturer and relatively interesting content but bad tutors. Th tutes were vague and the tutor w...

6 years ago

BLAW10002 Uni. of Melbourne

Interesting content but with a very, very heavy reading load every week - there's a lot of expectati...

6 years ago

PSYC20007 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject is well coordinated. Personally, i wasn't a fan but thats because i'm not even a psycho...

6 years ago

SCLG1001 Uni. of Sydney

I found this unit quite theoretical and boring. Fiona is a good lecturer and the unit has potential...

6 years ago

ARHT1001 Uni. of Sydney

Great introductory unit. Mark De Vitis is an amazing lecturer. Lots of guest lecturers and a trip to...

6 years ago

PSY2042 Monash Uni.

Interesting but extremely difficult to complete assignments to the right standard because they give...

6 years ago

HIST2008 The Uni. of Western Australia

Interesting content, the lecture topics were explained in greater detail in the tutorial readings.

6 years ago

AHIS140 Macquarie

Lectures were very boring, readings where not too long. The further readings helped with assignments...

6 years ago

ENGL205 Macquarie

Was significantly better than expected going in. Nice short readings, although some were hard to fol...

6 years ago

HIST1002 The Uni. of Western Australia

This unit taught me why I hate history. Thanks! Would have given it 0 stars if I could. I have l...

6 years ago

HIST2008 The Uni. of Western Australia

I recommend this unit to anyone who would like to understand more about the structural and economic...

6 years ago

POLS1102 The Uni. of Western Australia

I enjoyed this unit. I found it well organised and feel that it provided a good foundation for under...

6 years ago

HIST1002 The Uni. of Western Australia

I think you need to approach thus unit as an inspiration. The lectures and the tutorials pick out a...

6 years ago

PICT101 Macquarie

Really loved this subject, incredibly fascinating topics

6 years ago

AHIS110 Macquarie

The class was super interesting, although keeping track of which Tiberius did what sometimes got a l...

6 years ago

ATS1326 Monash Uni.

Contemporary Worlds 2 is super interesting and well taught. The assessments aren't overwhelming and...

6 years ago

ATS1835 Monash Uni.

Honestly such a boring unit. Picked this as an elective and regret it so bad. If you don't want your...

6 years ago

POLS1102 The Uni. of Western Australia

No where near as enjoyable or as well organised as POLS1101.

6 years ago

ENGL2801 The Uni. of Western Australia

Unit coordinator is an absolute nightmare! Lectures are low-quality, readings are pretty unhelpful a...

6 years ago

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