2,737 Engineering subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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MATH1002 The Uni. of Western Australia

A decent lecturer plus a super easy final (copy and paste from previous paper, literally)

8 years ago

MATH1002 Uni. of Sydney

I enjoyed the course but the lectures covered a lot of content which you don't particularly need for...

8 years ago

MATH141 Wollongong

This subject was really easy and has got basics mathematics that each engineering student must know!

8 years ago

MAST20029 Uni. of Melbourne

Great subject. The lecture notes are very clear and easy to follow. Lecture captures are only made a...

8 years ago

32601 UTS

it has been a really good subject, both in terms of content and tutors. I've liked the pattern of te...

8 years ago


Boring but easy...

8 years ago

CIVL2310 The Uni. of Newcastle

Jose struggles to get concepts across during lectures and only one hour of tutes a week isn't enough...

8 years ago

CIVL2130 The Uni. of Newcastle

More assistance from tutors and Yuri needed for this subject.

8 years ago


Look out for Peter Brown as your lecturer, he's great :D

8 years ago


A great course to develop teamwork, got hands on experience in the CSE project (RoboRescue). Very ti...

8 years ago


Absolute great course, learn a lot in this semester, C is hard, but at the end, it's worth it. Most...

8 years ago


Pre good subject as it teaches new content in a very simple manner. Anybody without any mathematics...

8 years ago


Learning about teamwork was the best part of this course. Unfortunately all of that was shoadowed by...

8 years ago


There is a lot of content to learn and does require a lot of work. Our end of course exam was also e...

8 years ago


You can hardly understand the lecturer, you're better off learning the content yourself with the lec...

8 years ago

CVEN90043 Uni. of Melbourne

The subject changed coordinators this year, and it's been an absolute nightmare. Yes, the guest lect...

8 years ago

CVEN30008 Uni. of Melbourne

Very nice lecturer and very easy final exam. Guest lecturers' content will not be covered in the fin...

8 years ago

CVEN90049 Uni. of Melbourne

Structural Theory and Design 2 is an excellent subject, covering various aspects in depth in the str...

8 years ago

MTRX2700 Uni. of Sydney

Requires a lot of work and dedication, but it's completely worth it.

8 years ago

AMME2500 Uni. of Sydney

Badly taught via just showing you lots of examples and never really explaining when to use what meth...

8 years ago

ELEC1103 Uni. of Sydney

Huge amount of info to take in but once you start getting it it's not too hard

8 years ago

CIVL361 Wollongong

Go to ALL the classes. No uploaded notes or recordings. It's not a difficult subject. Just do what's...

8 years ago

ENGG252 Wollongong

Concepts. Concepts. Concept. That's all it is. SIt and stare at the page until it clicks. It feels u...

8 years ago

ENGG251 Wollongong

Know your basics. Beam theory, stesses/strains, shear/bending. Nail these concepts, and you've got t...

8 years ago

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