1,363 IT subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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INFS2200 Uni. of Qld

My love for this course and the way the lecturer structured it all is phenomenal. Everything I've le...

7 years ago

COMP115 Macquarie

Practically impossible to fail. You get three attempts at all tests. Only two assignments. Very fun...

7 years ago

PHIL2420 The Uni. of Newcastle

After about week 4-5 this subject made zero sense to me and there was no help available.

7 years ago


Great content depth and presents a clear learning objective towards building GUIs and complex Java p...

7 years ago

INFO3315 Uni. of Sydney

An easy HD, but content was vague at times. Not that well organised. Content could also be more inte...

7 years ago

INFO2315 Uni. of Sydney

Interesting content. Some topics can get quite technical and can be difficult to understand if you a...

7 years ago

INFO3402 Uni. of Sydney

If you take this subject, prepare for the fact that your marks are entirely based on which tutor you...

7 years ago

300565 WSU

Fairly easy unit for experienced and inexperienced students Unit covers Introductory Cisco networ...

7 years ago

300104 WSU

Decent 2nd Level ICT Unit covering ttheory and practical side of Database Design and Development...

7 years ago

300580 WSU

Easy Unit , focuses on the basics of the JAVA programming language and its general concepts are cove...

7 years ago

FIT1006 Monash Uni.

This subject is needed for those who are completing the business information systems major. It is a...

7 years ago


Very fun, but group work is luck of the draw. There is a TON of work, but it's all relatively easy

7 years ago


A lot of research done as assessment, and assessment marking schemes are whack. Group assignment. A...

7 years ago


First half is very basic, free online courses in python, html, and minimal sqlite could supplement e...

7 years ago

COMP90041 Uni. of Melbourne

Object-Oriented programming subject. When you finished your uni and ready for a job....your first...

7 years ago

COMP90048 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject mainly teaches Haskell programming and Prolog. These are all functional programming lan...

7 years ago

31272 UTS

A core subject for IT. A good introductory of projects within the IT industry. In Semester 1 2017, s...

7 years ago

COMP115 Macquarie

Awesome unit, easy to do really well as long as you keep up week by week.

7 years ago

COMP30023 Uni. of Melbourne

Actually interesting content marred by the world's most incompetent lecturer and useless lab demonst...

7 years ago

COMP2129 Uni. of Sydney

Absolutely terrible and extremely rough subject. Assignment specifications are unclear and contradic...

7 years ago

INFO1103 Uni. of Sydney

Two Words - "WAM BOOSTER"

7 years ago

300582 WSU

You better attend the lectures and take notes and have the motivation to learn the concepts if you w...

7 years ago

INFO1103 Uni. of Sydney

It's a really fun subject that teaches you the fundamentals of programming and engages you consisten...

7 years ago

COMP2772 Flinders

Lots of web based stuff to learn. Definitely helps you for future industry experience!

7 years ago

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