1,363 IT subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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cosc2452 RMIT

You may struggle for the first couple of weeks if you have no prior experience in programming, but i...

8 years ago

577 Uni. of Canberra

Teaching strategy didn't work well for me.

8 years ago

SIT192 Deakin Uni.

This unit was great!! So many resources provided! It was an alternative and new side to maths I had...

8 years ago

SIT190 Deakin Uni.

I LOVED this unit!! Everything about it was awesome! The lecturers willingness to help, the resource...

8 years ago

MIS201 Deakin Uni.

Very easy subject, lots of group work, 3 hour classses per week

8 years ago

577 Uni. of Canberra

well organised entry level maths course

8 years ago

INFT2031 The Uni. of Newcastle

The course is well organised and relatively easy to follow. Every effort is made from the lecturer a...

8 years ago

DMTH137 Macquarie

Very difficult subject. Content is interesting mathematically, but difficult to understand. It would...

8 years ago

ISYS114 Macquarie

Quality highly dependent on your lecturer/tutor. 2015 lecturer was very dry, boring, monotone, and h...

8 years ago

1001ICT Griffith

As someone who had never programmed before, this was an easy introduction into the world of Java.

8 years ago

31270 UTS

This is a subject where you're going to have to be consistent at attending the weekly labs, reading...

8 years ago

CITS3003 The Uni. of Western Australia

The class is interesting but unfortunately the lecturer isn't very good at teaching. She is sometime...

8 years ago

CITS3200 The Uni. of Western Australia

Good class. Lots of projects from industry and academe to choose from. Having a mentor is also quite...

8 years ago

COS30002 Swinburne Uni. of Technology

Only do this unit if you really love games. Otherwise, don't bother. It's a tough unit that's basica...

8 years ago

COS20012 Swinburne Uni. of Technology

A tough unit if you haven't done much networking, and you're unlikely to do much further development...

8 years ago

SWE20001 Swinburne Uni. of Technology

While the content is probably necessary, it's incredibly boring, and while I don't think there's muc...

8 years ago

INF20010 Swinburne Uni. of Technology

Fantastic subject with very good lecturers/tutors. Very practical instructions about database progra...

8 years ago

300958 WSU

An odd unit. The content that was taught throughout the semester, and the practicals, seemed to have...

8 years ago

300143 WSU

A tough but very thorough unit. Course content is in depth, and comprises of a lot of theory. The sk...

8 years ago

300583 WSU

A challenging an interesting unit, however the move to an online classroom which replaced the majori...

8 years ago


I really enjoyed this subject, but yeah it's only good if you get a good group, I had a crap group a...

8 years ago


Personally, I found it a really tough subject, even though most of my friends got really good marks....

8 years ago

COMP347 Macquarie

A lot of content and lecture slides aren't very detailed or informative. Best to attend/listen to le...

8 years ago

SIT221 Deakin Uni.

I really enjoyed this subject. Class slides and materials were very clear and thorough. There is no...

8 years ago

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