4,820 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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PSYC1102 The Uni. of Western Australia

Very easy distinction/high distinction with minimal effort. Harder than psych1101 and I feel more to...

6 years ago

CHEM1002 The Uni. of Western Australia

Fair but difficult with Little Chem exp

6 years ago

MICR2208 The Uni. of Western Australia

Content was interesting. Quite abit of work. Learnt alot and had fun. Semester, part two, they taugh...

6 years ago

MUSC1981 The Uni. of Western Australia

I agree with the Health Science major comment before me. Very very fun unit, just 2 hours of rehears...

6 years ago

300845 WSU

Easy to get good grades if all assignments are done on time.

6 years ago

300889 WSU

Relatively easy unit. Requires very little effort.

6 years ago

300876 WSU

Interesting content yet confusing at times. Needs a lot of attention and focus.

6 years ago

CBMS224 Macquarie

I enjoyed this unit more than I thought I would. The new convenor, Hasinika, is very engaging and ex...

6 years ago

CHEM20018 Uni. of Melbourne

The material is interesting and the lecturers were good for the most part but having 80% of the grad...

6 years ago

GENE20001 Uni. of Melbourne

As others have said the questions they gave us to study were much easier that what was actually in t...

6 years ago

BIOL2200 Uni. of Qld

Midsemester exam was particularly easy. However this was not the case with the end of semester exam....

6 years ago

BIOM2020 Uni. of Qld

Extremely interesting course! Lots of content so keep up with it on a weekly basis as its not a subj...

6 years ago

BIOM2011 Uni. of Qld

The amount of content in this course is very heavy however its possible to do well as long as you ke...

6 years ago


Soooo interesting and so easy to get a great mark with the right guidance! Hmu if you feel like you’...

6 years ago


basic stuff but hard to jump right into without some help from a tutor or something.

6 years ago


okay course

6 years ago

BIOL1110 Macquarie

Unit was very interesting, however, I was disappointed in the lack of organisation of this unit. Thi...

6 years ago

ZOOL20006 Uni. of Melbourne

interesting content, but wasn't the most engaging subject

6 years ago

MAST30020 Uni. of Melbourne

Very hard subject (very abstract). Quite interesting, but I'd say best to only take it if you need t...

6 years ago

UNIB10006 Uni. of Melbourne

The regular testing was tedious. overall getting an H1 is not hard. The final exam is quite easy and...

6 years ago

GEOS1001 Uni. of Sydney

Not that interesting if you're interested in human geography. Assignments are hit or miss, practical...

6 years ago

EESC203 Wollongong

Extremely hands on in practical-almost weekly excursions and real-world examples. Extremely interest...

6 years ago

EESC101 Wollongong

Textbook is unnecessary for the class. Lecture can be boring at times but practical attendance is im...

6 years ago

PSYU2246 Macquarie

The lecturer did her best to try and explain the content but it does get confusing and messy from ti...

6 years ago

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