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This introductory statistics unit is very straight forward, it is identical to the STAT1170 course (...

4 years ago


This introductory statistics unit is very straight forward, it is identical to the STAT1250 course (...

4 years ago


A really interesting and fun unit, but TONNES of content. Michael the lecturer is great, good conten...

4 years ago


I HATED this subject. dreaded every class. my tutor had a foreign accent and spoke really quietly. C...

4 years ago


A very interesting unit. The only negative is that tutorials are quick paced and difficult to follo...

4 years ago


A very useful subject to revise design topics taught lightly across first and second year. This pul...

4 years ago


This is a very interesting unit and provides students with the opportunity to observe real human ana...

4 years ago


I found this unit really interesting! It is quite content heavy and the two hour labs are mostly sel...

4 years ago


Not the most interesting but its essential to learn - really just an extension of concepts from prev...

4 years ago


A basic grasp of math will land you a HD

4 years ago


Easy unit, really helpful if your degree is in psych! Very bearable workload, with a new topic each...

4 years ago


If you stay on top of the content, and try to get most out of the tutes, you'll be fine! Good luck!

4 years ago


There's not a lot of content involved. You learn science skills that you will find useful for other...

4 years ago


Great unit!!! You need to stay on top of the content, and if you do so you'll be fine. :)

4 years ago


Amazing lecturer, and an amazing course. If you have done bio in high school, you'll smash it. Tip -...

4 years ago


Cramming two topics (which both have enough content to fill 12 week each) into one unit is insanity!...

4 years ago


This unit is notorious for being both very very easy and very very hard at the same time due to the...

4 years ago


Personality psych was very engaging. The content-load was alright, but sometimes hard to keep up wit...

4 years ago


THIS UNIT IS WORTH IT!!! The workload is super easy but the knowledge you take out of it is UNREAL!!...

4 years ago


They brought back this unit in 2019 and did a great job of it. Lectures were overall interesting, pr...

4 years ago


One of the only units that gives you real practical experience in the lab. Great pracs, great demons...

4 years ago


if you are lucky enough to be able to choose between this capstone unit and another, DONT DO THIS UN...

4 years ago


The content is really heavy. You really want to try and keep up! I attended the pal sessions almost...

4 years ago


One of my favourite subjects! If you put in the effort its an easy HD! Adam is a fantastic lecturer...

4 years ago

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