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EPHUMA122 The Uni. of Newcastle

Hated it, literally worst subject

6 years ago

PSY235 Macquarie

Very interesting but a bit difficult to study for, given the variety of theories taught and the appl...

6 years ago

PSYCHOL 2005 Uni. of Adelaide

interesting topics with really interesting staff! well organised and supportive. very muched enjoyed

6 years ago

PSY248 Macquarie

An unit that held its second test (10%) on the final day of semester just before exam day, with the...

6 years ago

C28 Edith Cowan Uni.

Great Into to Uni. Enjoyable and well structured.

6 years ago

LING30004 Uni. of Melbourne

One of the most poorly taught and coordinated subject I've ever done. The lecturer (Stefan) turned...

6 years ago

400195 WSU

Absolutely fantastic tutor, so engaging and energetic! Unusual assessments for social work students...

6 years ago


Easiest subject you will ever do at university.

6 years ago

SPE211 Charles Sturt Uni.

Excellent and very interesting subject with two very diverse assessments that require a unique appro...

6 years ago

PSYCHOL 2005 Uni. of Adelaide

A lot of information, especially when it comes to revising for exams, but the subject content is int...

6 years ago

101900 WSU

Really easy subject to pass, no final exam

6 years ago

SOCA2400 The Uni. of Newcastle

The lecturer is fantastic! Some complex ideas and thoughts but he is easy to understand and a very f...

6 years ago

PSY248 Macquarie

This is the worst unit I've ever done at Macquarie. Unfortunately it's mandatory for my degree. The...

6 years ago

PSY235 Macquarie

Talk about something that is NOT hard science... this is the unit... (along with personalities)... A...

6 years ago

COMU1030 Uni. of Qld

Boring lectures with basic information on communication. Lots of people commented this semester on t...

6 years ago

Psychology of Personality Swinburne Uni. of Technology

Awsome unit loved it!

7 years ago

MATH2711 Flinders

Lecturer is fantastic - makes it really engaging. Although rigerous in content the scaffolded approa...

7 years ago

MATH2702 Flinders

Lecturer only does theorems and proofs and does not connect these to practical application. Makes it...

7 years ago

ECMT2150 Uni. of Sydney

A nice continuation from ECMT1020 - the course is well put together and was fantastic when I did it...

7 years ago

ECMT2150 Uni. of Sydney

It's a continuation from what you studied in ECMT1020. Still regression but more difficult. Assignme...

7 years ago

HUMS1051 Uni. of South Australia

A very challenging course in a lot of ways... if you have an open mind you can do well!

7 years ago

PSYC3009 Flinders

Absolutely loved this class. I reluctantly enrolled as it was the only elective I could pick for sec...

7 years ago


Lectures good but tutoring didn't always match up to the needs of the topic.

7 years ago

LING3350 The Uni. of Newcastle

Interesting topic and relevant assignments/exam. But there was not nearly enough time dedicated to e...

7 years ago

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