4,822 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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BMS216 Charles Sturt Uni.

Abi is an amazing teacher. You can tell he truly loves what he teaches. "Platelets are super cute" i...

7 years ago

PSYU3337 Macquarie

While the content of the course is excellent and Ron Rapee's lectures are very interesting, the unit...

7 years ago


Tutor was super biased against non-Science/ Psych students, boring as fuck lectures, and an end of s...

7 years ago

1021SCG Griffith

First 6 weeks were great. Lecturer was great at making the content interesting. Last 6 weeks were a...

7 years ago

1041SCG Griffith

Terrible course. Lectures are an absolute waste of time, and labs are more like tutorials. Did not a...

7 years ago

MATH2021 The Uni. of Western Australia

Please do offer a more detailed lecture slides please.

7 years ago


A really interesting course that you will find as you learn, is very relatable to your personal life...

7 years ago

PSYC3313 The Uni. of Western Australia

Great unit!

7 years ago

PSYC2212 The Uni. of Western Australia

If you don't have a stats background, i would avoid this unit. We had to use SPSS to obtain data for...

7 years ago

ANTH2002 Macquarie

What an awesome unit. A lot of room for discussion and relating the cultural practices discussed to...

7 years ago

PSYC104 Macquarie

If you're interested in this area, you will love this subject which offers a nice taste of the many...

7 years ago

MATH2021 The Uni. of Western Australia

This is the definitive "you're on your own" unit. Lecture slides are some of the worst I have ever s...

7 years ago

HMM301 Deakin Uni.

content heavy but amazing. classes are run really well.

7 years ago

SLE211 Deakin Uni.

bombarded with information that is not included in assessments, very hard to know what to focus on....

7 years ago

SLE323 Deakin Uni.

teacher is unresponsive

7 years ago

ENVE237 Macquarie

Straightforward unit, just keep up with lectures and submit your pracs. Classes aren't compulsory, o...

7 years ago

1041SCG Griffith

So terrible. Some of the lectures are just a waste of time. Don't even lecture capture it. Best to j...

7 years ago

PSY1011 Monash Uni.

Did not understand what to do for the assignments. The consultations were boring, the tutor basicall...

7 years ago

STAT1020 Uni. of Qld

This course introduces students to statistical thinking, statistical methods and the interpretation...

7 years ago

400961 WSU

As with all online subjects, I did nothing just the online exam and cram aka 1 day study for the fin...

7 years ago

EV1005 James Cook

Personally, I did not enjoy this subject as a whole. However, some aspects were interesting. In my o...

7 years ago

MA1020 James Cook

Completed this course in CNS. Overall, the subject was very rushed. I did not like the concept of a...

7 years ago

CH1020 James Cook

Completed this subject in TSV. Great lecturer, very funny and helpful. PASS sessions really helped m...

7 years ago

CH1001 James Cook

All of the lecturers are highly knowledgeable, but the organic chem guy is pretty rude and unpleasan...

7 years ago

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