4,822 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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MAST10010 Uni. of Melbourne

I didn't understand a lot of things in the beginning, but as the topics build onto one another, it g...

7 years ago

BIOL10005 Uni. of Melbourne

Dawn is really an amazing lecturer. I actually really liked this subject, though I definitely could'...

7 years ago

BTCH20002 Uni. of Melbourne

Content can sometimes get a little boring, especially when it comes to plants. But forums are quite...

7 years ago

SLE111 Deakin Uni.

This unit is so interesting and easy !!!. It is even more easier for someone who has done biology be...

7 years ago

300839 WSU

Interesting topics but weak lecturers. Unit coordinator is unorganized. Marking is always late. Went...

7 years ago

PHY2032 Monash Uni.

to get the most out of this unit do PHY2042 at the same time otherwise can be a bit difficult to gra...

7 years ago

PHY2042 Monash Uni.

to get the most out of this unit do PHY2032 at the same time otherwise can be a bit difficult to gra...

7 years ago

IMM2022 Monash Uni.

Great subject and different from IMM2011 as in it doesn't seem as full on, more applying what was le...

7 years ago

CHM1022 Monash Uni.

a lot of work required considering its first year chem. really need to stay on top and definitely no...

7 years ago

PSYC3042 Uni. of Qld

Difficult course but gets your brain working and will be very useful for your research in honours wh...

7 years ago

PSYC2040 Uni. of Qld

Excellent lecture structure and best lecturer on earth! Really enjoyed this course!

7 years ago

PHAR1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

The short tests are only 20 minutes and are all open book. Make sure you work through the practice m...

7 years ago

BIOL2010 Uni. of Qld

Great subject, really interesting. Exam is pretty similar to past exams, but the teachers mark hard....

7 years ago

PSYC3010 Uni. of Sydney

The lecturers and tutors are really helpful and able to explain everything quite well.. If you can k...

7 years ago

MUSI10209 Uni. of Melbourne

Easy and relaxed subject. A perfect breadth! You learn about 7-ish songs, and have a few lyric tests...

7 years ago

BMED2405 Uni. of Sydney

Fascinating unit! This was my first BMED subject. Very VERY steep learning curve so make sure you ha...

7 years ago

CHEM1002 Uni. of Sydney

There is a lot of route learning and memorising in this course (organic chem), however, it becomes o...

7 years ago

MBLG1001 Uni. of Sydney

The exam is retarded. You need to know the content in such excruciating detail just to get one quest...

7 years ago

CHEM1002 Uni. of Sydney

Very well taught course and easy to do well, however a majority of the course is organic chem, and i...

7 years ago

BIOL1002 Uni. of Sydney

As an animal person, the plant part really drained me but was nonetheless delivered with engaging an...

7 years ago

LING2214 Macquarie

Although its a bit "in depth" for an introductory subject, it still gives us a clear picture what sp...

7 years ago

EDUC10048 Uni. of Melbourne

I always looked forward to this subject every week! It was so fun and really different from my other...

7 years ago

MIIM20002 Uni. of Melbourne

Fantastic subject! Engaging content and friendly coordinators

7 years ago

PHRM20001 Uni. of Melbourne

Interesting content. There is a lot of overlap with Human Physiology, especially at the beginning of...

7 years ago

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