4,822 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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65212 UTS

mostly intro of organic chemistry and a bit of physical chem; not tricky :-)

8 years ago

PSYC 10003 Uni. of Melbourne

Really loved it - a great subject!! Sensation and Perception topic can be a bit weird.

8 years ago

CHM104 Charles Sturt Uni.

A very full on subject, what ever level of effort you put in is what you will get back out. Stay on...

8 years ago

300820 WSU

challenging unit but very interesting and rewarding, assessments are challenging but very useful in...

8 years ago

BMS105 Charles Sturt Uni.

Very easy first subject. Assessments were easy but moderately time-consuming. Not the most exciting...

8 years ago

300802 WSU

enjoyable unit with comfortable content, assessments are straightforward although lecturers are not...

8 years ago

300936 WSU

A challenging but very rewarding and fun unit, practicals are enjoyable and straight forward, assess...

8 years ago

300833 WSU

Fantastic unit that gives you many necessary practical skills you will use in Laboratory careers, le...

8 years ago

PSYC104 Macquarie

The unit content was really interesting (with the exception of the Research Design strand, the recor...

8 years ago


An excellent introduction to Analysis and Linear Algebra, and how to structure mathematics proofs. B...

8 years ago

BMS1031 Monash Uni.

Very difficult without any prior physics knowledge. Don't kid yourself, get yourself a tutor (if you...

8 years ago

PHYL2001 The Uni. of Western Australia

I just did not enjoy this unit. I found the fact that some of the content was actually interesting t...

8 years ago

ANIM3320 The Uni. of Western Australia

Jenny is amazing and the content was really interesting. The labs were great fun, and the peer revie...

8 years ago

SCIE1103 The Uni. of Western Australia

Easy and boring - if you're after an easy HD it's great for you, but would not recommend overall......

8 years ago

EART3353 The Uni. of Western Australia

Strongly recommend taking the GIS unit before this, or at least having a general understanding of th...

8 years ago

PSYC1020 Uni. of Qld

Excellent subject

8 years ago

GEOG10001 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject had really interesting content but my grades definitely suffered from having a disengag...

8 years ago

SCIE1103 The Uni. of Western Australia

Bloody awful. So much work. Granted, i did find the excel tips and endnote part helpful, however the...

8 years ago

GENE2250 The Uni. of Western Australia

Extremely difficult to follow, jumped from standard knowledge to absolute gibberish extremely quickl...

8 years ago

GENE20002 Uni. of Melbourne

It is very interesting and the lecturers are funny. Only downside being that most of my lectures cla...

8 years ago

MATH130 Macquarie

This subject is tough for people who have not studied 2 unit math in high school. If you don't get o...

8 years ago

PSYC1002 Uni. of Sydney

This was my first subject in psych, and it was really interesting and you're always engaged. Tutoria...

8 years ago

PSYC1001 Uni. of Sydney

Don't expect to glide through this subject. There's a few layers of content, but it is so fulfilling...

8 years ago

ATHK1001 Uni. of Sydney

I agree that it is somewhat of a bludge. However if you apply yourself even a little bit, you can se...

8 years ago

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