4,822 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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BIOL10004 Uni. of Melbourne

a lot of information, but easy to pick up if you have done VCE biology, lots of resources if you don...

8 years ago

PSYC10004 Uni. of Melbourne

Sometimes a bit tedious in the continual supply of information, but gives a good overlook of what di...

8 years ago

PHYS20008 Uni. of Melbourne

Fantastic subject. Engaging, interesting content. Fast paced but there are heaps of resources made a...

8 years ago

BIOL10005 Uni. of Melbourne

A lot of content, but what you would expect from a first year subject. Some lectures seemed a bit di...

8 years ago

BME3082 Monash Uni.

BME3082 has the most fascinating and hands-on laboratory experiences you'll ever encounter within th...

8 years ago

BME3032 Monash Uni.

BME3032 was one of the stand out units throughout the entirety of my Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences...

8 years ago

BIOL1003 Uni. of Sydney

A good subject, useful and pretty basic BUT, go in with the very clear understanding that this is po...

8 years ago

BIOL1020 Uni. of Qld

Introductory but detailed course on biology. The labs were engaging and never felt like a chore desp...

8 years ago

PSYC1002 Uni. of Sydney

Tutorials were so boring. Everything else was really good though and kept me very engaged and intere...

8 years ago

PSYC1001 Uni. of Sydney

It was pretty good overall, however some lectureres weren't as engaging as one would have wished. Tu...

8 years ago

PSYC105 Macquarie

All I can say is it's very content heavy and disorganized.

8 years ago

PSY234 Macquarie

I found the content wasn't too hard to memorise, and it was fairly interesting (although I found tha...

8 years ago


Very dry course. Interesting with the animal anatomy section, the others (plants and evolutionary st...

8 years ago


Fairly dry, similar to year 12 chemistry with some fun labs. Overall a necessary but not completely...

8 years ago


Fun labs, great tutors, and a very interesting course. Perfect for those wanting a taste of all scie...

8 years ago

GENE30002 Uni. of Melbourne

Very interesting subject with real life applications, however it's content heavy as expected for a 3...

8 years ago

PSYC2011 Uni. of Sydney

Ian is fantastic. This unit is certainly hard work, and more pure science than other psychology unit...

8 years ago

PSYC1002 Uni. of Sydney

Once again, another great first year psychology unit. Report writing can be difficult to grasp for f...

8 years ago

PSYC1001 Uni. of Sydney

If you work hard, you will do well and set a great foundation for studying a psychology major. This...

8 years ago

PSYC2911 Uni. of Sydney

Ian is awesome, let's be honest. There is an insane amount of content to be memorised, but if you ap...

8 years ago

PSYC2014 Uni. of Sydney

I found the psychometrics content a good refresher for statistics, and well presented by Niko. I als...

8 years ago

PSYC2013 Uni. of Sydney

I really enjoyed the majority of this second year psychology unit. The social lectures were for me,...

8 years ago


It is a lot of information delivered in a short period of time. Practical learning is the easiest an...

8 years ago


Really hard :(

8 years ago

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