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Macro is a great prof, giving clear examples to make the complex theory out. It's a more practical s...

8 years ago


Interesting subject but useless. If you landed in a horrible team, good luck to you

8 years ago


The subject offers an in depth insight into what you actually do as an accountant and the informatio...

8 years ago


Math is a little bit hard but if you understand, you will get an HD easily

8 years ago


Not hard but your assignment on MYOB may take a lot of time to complete

8 years ago


The exam contains lots of info do don't wait until the last minute to study it

8 years ago


Quite an easy subject but the exam is super long and you should prepare for it carefully

8 years ago


It's not hard anymore till you know the form of it.

8 years ago


It's all about math but high level of math so if your math isn't good enough, you should get a tutor

8 years ago


You should choose Grace as your tutor because she really teaches you what you need to know in the ex...

8 years ago


The lecturer is so enthusiastic and always welcome questions especially during the exam period, do n...

8 years ago


This subjects has 2 quizzes over the session, you should be careful with the first one because the t...

8 years ago


Will need some knowledge from Acct 1. Not hard to understand but require some efforts for a D/HD. MY...

8 years ago


If you put in some efforts, it's not hard to get a D/HD for this subject. Will have to work with num...

8 years ago


Not hard to understand. However, several definitions to learn for the final exam.

8 years ago


Enroll if you good at math and excel! 2 assignments need to be done on excel. Good lecturer and tuto...

8 years ago


Essential if you are doing Finance Major. Heavy workload but! Still can get D/HD if you go to lecs a...

8 years ago


Easy to understand and get HD. Interesting subject to study.

8 years ago


Interesting subject! Kinda introduction into finance world.

8 years ago


The lecturer was not very good in my term. The content was cool to study tho. Final exam was all sho...

8 years ago


Developed from EB1 and EB2, more about EB2. Graphs are more complicated. Final exam includes some ma...

8 years ago


More about micro side.Fun online quizzes, easy to understand (real life problems mentioned)

8 years ago


More about macro side. Graphs are getting more complicated. The content is great to learn because yo...

8 years ago


You need to know both theory and math to go well in this subject. The content is necessary if you pl...

8 years ago

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