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A relatively easy and very interesting unit

7 years ago


Not particularly hard, exam is pretty easy especially as it's multiple choice. Unit is pretty boring...

7 years ago


Unit is not necessarily extremely hard, but lecturer was super boring and the format of lectures and...

7 years ago


This is a great, well organised unit. It has a lot of contact hours though, 6 hours a week. For Math...

7 years ago


Extremely enjoyable unit with the inclusion of the 2 field trips. Basically, the assessments are 2 s...

7 years ago


A lot of content to learn.Buying the textbooks and reading through them help a lot with understandin...

7 years ago


Easily the easiest finance unit in the finance major. It's predominantly theory based, and there's c...

7 years ago


Pretty basic unit, as it builds on concepts you learn in Year 12 Accounting. Midsem was all MC but f...

7 years ago


Whilst the information covered is interesting, the management of this unit leaves a lot to be desire...

7 years ago


Don't bother watching the lectures - it's just reading from the powerpoint/textbook. No need to purc...

7 years ago


This made it a lot easier: https://www.studocu.com/en/course/university-of-western-australia/microec...

7 years ago


It's an amazing accounting unit which full of fun and challenge. Textbook helps me a lot to gain a b...

7 years ago


This is meant to be an easy course, find a good team that you can work with and sign up with them fo...

7 years ago


I'd say easy to get an HD if you're up for writing essays and getting your presentations done proper...

7 years ago


The unit is interesting, and not recommended for those who not good at maths. The final exam was tri...

7 years ago


Pretty easy subject with no tricks in the final exam

7 years ago


So easy, I've done the entire unit during the semester break :')

7 years ago


It's defiantly a chanllenging unit to study, but the way the unit is sturctured makes it easy to und...

7 years ago


Rubbish unit, rubbish tutors.

7 years ago


Make sure you get a good group for the assignment! Unit will be easy if you study the lecture notes...

7 years ago


Lecture questions are definitely closely correlated to exam questions. BUT don't you EVER (and I mea...

7 years ago


"Very well administered unit". The lecturer mostly read off the slides. I failed my midsem but final...

7 years ago


Loved this unit. It is a mixture of common sense and Psychology. Lecturer tries to be relatable by a...

7 years ago


It is a good unit overall, the lecturer isn't the best as she only goes through the really basic met...

7 years ago

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