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I'd say easy to get an HD if you're up for writing essays and getting your presentations done proper...

7 years ago


The unit is interesting, and not recommended for those who not good at maths. The final exam was tri...

7 years ago


Pretty easy subject with no tricks in the final exam

7 years ago


So easy, I've done the entire unit during the semester break :')

7 years ago


It's defiantly a chanllenging unit to study, but the way the unit is sturctured makes it easy to und...

7 years ago


Rubbish unit, rubbish tutors.

7 years ago


Make sure you get a good group for the assignment! Unit will be easy if you study the lecture notes...

7 years ago


Lecture questions are definitely closely correlated to exam questions. BUT don't you EVER (and I mea...

7 years ago


"Very well administered unit". The lecturer mostly read off the slides. I failed my midsem but final...

7 years ago


Loved this unit. It is a mixture of common sense and Psychology. Lecturer tries to be relatable by a...

7 years ago


It is a good unit overall, the lecturer isn't the best as she only goes through the really basic met...

7 years ago


It is an easy/ manageable unit if you did Accounting in HS but if not, you may find it a bit challen...

7 years ago


Definitely good to know but it is somewhat rushed and you may struggle, especially if you did not do...

7 years ago


Easy, especially if you did econs in high school but otherwise it's pretty logical to follow. Requir...

7 years ago


Don't do it and if you have to, make sure you have friends in your tutorial so it's somewhat enjoyab...

7 years ago


Super easy HD if you can do basic maths methods/3CD probability

7 years ago


If you do not have economics background please avoid or if it's compulsory then do the basics econom...

7 years ago


easy enough you study, quite broing though and way too much info to comprehend in one semester

7 years ago


Great unit!

7 years ago


This unit provides an introduction to financial reporting as well as a foundation for those who may...

7 years ago


Did not wan't to study finance after doing this unit. Delivery was horrible and organisation was wor...

7 years ago


Very well administered unit, excellent lecturer and tutors. Great amount of material to refer to as...

7 years ago


Students are able to (1) solve unknowns in equations representing business activities and economic c...

7 years ago


Topics include displaying and summarising data; random variables and their distributions; normal and...

7 years ago

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