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3 years ago


As an accounting student, this unit has been the most enjoyable subject I've done. Matt did an amazi...

3 years ago


I really enjoyed this subject more than I thought I would. Chris takes a few weeks to get used to bu...

4 years ago


Subject is quite content heavy, however Sean is a great lecturer and explains topics in a clear way....

4 years ago


Subject was interesting but the lecturer is near impossible to understand. Highly recommend watching...

4 years ago


Big jump in terms of difficulty from STAT1250. Covers ANOVA and regression in-depth, and if you are...

4 years ago


Quite an easy unit if you are good at TVM mathematics! Lectures are question-solving based rather th...

4 years ago


Requires a lot of time and dedication to really understand the case studies. I think they marked way...

4 years ago


Had a great tutor which helped. The workload and group assignment are quite large, I would say if yo...

4 years ago


Simple subject if you pay attention every week and keep up with the lectures

4 years ago


It is another subject that requires little effort to pass. However if your fundamental are not good...

4 years ago


It is an easy to pass subject and requires little to no effort however if you are interested in Acco...

4 years ago


Not as hard as people make it out to be. But still require a lot of work and practice. It was intere...

4 years ago


It was okay. Easiest accounting unit, periodddttttt. Mostly reflections and group work. Try finding...

4 years ago


This was a very interesting unit! Absolutely doable, the assignment was actually fun to do. Basic ma...

4 years ago


I enjoyed this unit more than I expected. It starts off with a revision of first-year finance and bu...

4 years ago


Fantastic unit! The lecturer is great and the weekly topics are very interesting. It showcases vario...

4 years ago


This subject covers all the basic concepts of management accounting and is super easy to follow. Sta...

4 years ago


Unit content isn’t too difficult to understand since the practicals cover all things needed for asse...

4 years ago


It starts off interesting but it gets boring (After week 8 you no longer do much calculations). It's...

4 years ago


A very DENSE unit with large topics towards the end (I found myself trying to wrap my head around th...

4 years ago


Generally speaking, this unit is not particularly challenging and some of the content in this course...

4 years ago


The lecturer was great at explaining and engaging with students! Contents were fine to understand. H...

4 years ago


I personally have no idea how other ppl rated this unit with 5 stars.. If you have a strong backgrou...

4 years ago

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