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Terribly run subject. Lecturer reused old prerecorded lectures which would cut off randomly before t...

4 years ago


Definitely on the easier side of the economics units, well managed during COVID and the lecture slid...

4 years ago


Really enjoyed this subject. Wayne is one of the best lecturers I've had and the content is a great...

4 years ago


Haven't finished this unit yet but Narelle does make the unit really enjoyable! However, she's a bit...

4 years ago


My tutor was great however the online portion of the learning was not so much. I'm still giving this...

4 years ago


Really enjoyed this subject! Narelle is incredible. So personable and makes the class super engaging...

4 years ago


Decent unit to introduce the main ideas used in econometrics. Definitely a step up from ETC2410, but...

4 years ago


First few weeks are probability revision, but once moment generating functions are introduced everyt...

4 years ago


Great subject if you want to dip your toe into business analytics, a bit dry at times though.

4 years ago


Wayne is a fantastic lecturer and the notes are great. I didn't bother with textbook as I'd studied...

4 years ago


Great lecturer, maths steps up a little bit compared to micro but it's actually quite fun once you g...

4 years ago


Lecturer keeps you interested, and the lecture notes are hands down the best in the undergrad busine...

4 years ago


Lecturer was very knowledgeable and lecture notes were fantastic, but the content for me was incred...

4 years ago


Erica Brady is the WORST. She makes this unit overly complicated when it simply doesn't need to be....

4 years ago


This subject is a compulsory unit in many branch.Its hard to score a good grade but if we score we c...

4 years ago


35% of group assignments, you are paired with incompetent group members who destroys your grades

4 years ago


I like Olga as a lecturer and I found the course material pretty interesting - especially the stuff...

4 years ago


Because of covid 19 the discussion tutorials for this subject have been replaced with written assess...

4 years ago


Eugenio is so passionate about this unit, which really made the lectures and tutorials interesting....

4 years ago


Much more enjoyable than Corp fin 1 because you get to see how the formulas are applied in a more re...

4 years ago


This was one of my favourite economics subjects I’ve done. I’m someone who enjoys the theory side of...

4 years ago


This was one of my favourite economics subjects I’ve done. I’m someone who enjoys the theory side of...

4 years ago


One of the worst taught units I've completed. Lecture slides are information overload and the lectur...

4 years ago


I can say this was a great subject to anyone who never skipped lessons and any student who put effor...

4 years ago

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