5,219 Arts subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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MSS3DOC La Trobe

I recommend this subject 100%. Challenging, but rewarding. You learn so much.

5 years ago

PSYC30019 Uni. of Melbourne

This will be a biased review in some sense since I have been tutoring this subject for a number of y...

5 years ago

ATS1873 Monash Uni.

Tutors marking scheme was fleshed out in detail; expectations for assessments were clear, and adapta...

5 years ago

ATS1288 Monash Uni.

Fiona's lectures are wonderful. The content is very interesting and not too tricky to follow if you...

5 years ago

ATS1287 Monash Uni.

An amazing introduction into the world of theater and performance!! Most lectures are wonderful with...

5 years ago

ATS1280 Monash Uni.

Interesting enough if you want to learn about the media industry. Content quite dry, but interesting...

5 years ago

ats1279 Monash Uni.

Relatively simple if you stay focused, relatively interesting if you enjoy learning about media, but...

5 years ago

ATS2839 Monash Uni.

Weekly quizzes are fantastic, take home exam- couldn’t be better!

5 years ago

ATS1835 Monash Uni.

Fairly easy, but interesting stuff!

5 years ago

ATS1371 Monash Uni.

Definitely worth taking this class if you want an intro to philosophy!

5 years ago

ATS1326 Monash Uni.

Great subject! It really gets you thinking and connects a broad range of topics to provide a good un...

5 years ago

ARTS 1007 Uni. of Adelaide

Quite pointless. Just do well on the essay and the group project, you will pass. The rest is borderl...

5 years ago

ANTH 1105 Uni. of Adelaide

As someone previously said, the course did have a lot of potential but the lecturer was somewhat unm...

5 years ago

FREN1010 Uni. of Qld

FREN1010 was a fantastic beginners course. It really launched you into the deep end which is exactly...

5 years ago

ANTH1051 Macquarie

A unit that has a lot of information to learn but ultimately is a good introduction to the topic of...

5 years ago

ACR101 Deakin Uni.

I actually did this subject in summer term. This is a wonderful elective subject, while the arts...

5 years ago

SOCA1020 The Uni. of Newcastle

Engaging teaching staff and great introduction to future study

5 years ago

SOCA1010 The Uni. of Newcastle

Good foundational subject

5 years ago

BLAW10002 Uni. of Melbourne

The lecturer was great and the subject is generally really interesting. The tutorial is very boring...

5 years ago

PSY201 Charles Sturt Uni.

Overall a quality class. Is a good introduction to stats used in psychology and having done it two y...

5 years ago

MULT10017 Uni. of Melbourne

Honestly not an altogether tough subject as long as you have a background of fine arts knowledge. If...

5 years ago

INTS10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Lectures were wonderful but it's a LOT of content to be crammed into twelve weeks – felt like I had...

5 years ago

SCLG2604 Uni. of Sydney

This subject was fantastic. I had Alec Pemberton as a tutor (a kind Gandalf-like character that take...

5 years ago

EDGU2000 Uni. of Sydney

One of the best courses I've done in uni as it was very hands on. Yes, the pracs were scary but it g...

5 years ago

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