5,219 Arts subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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LNGS1002 Uni. of Sydney

Interesting topics if you like sociolinguistics

5 years ago

GRMN1401 The Uni. of Western Australia

Amazing unit, Kati is exceptional at teaching German and the pace of the unit makes it very easy to...

5 years ago

INTS10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Had a great tutor, and the subject material was interesting to research and write about (most of the...

5 years ago

JRN1WFM La Trobe

very informative about different types of media writing, including newspaper and creative writing. V...

5 years ago

PHIL2635 Uni. of Sydney

more moral philosophy than political, but some interesting weeks

5 years ago

LAWS1110 The Uni. of Western Australia

really interesting unit with relevant content, although the tutorials arent compulsory, I would reco...

5 years ago

ARCS1001 Uni. of Qld

The pracs are fun and the content is super interesting. Glenys is an amazing teacher

5 years ago

SOCA1010 The Uni. of Newcastle

A fantastic subject which provides a smooth introduction to sociological works and concepts! The con...

5 years ago

ANHS1602 Uni. of Sydney

The content was interesting and the discussions during our tutorials were never dull. However I fel...

5 years ago

PHIL1001 The Uni. of Western Australia

Professor Rubin has to be the best lecturer I've had at uni so far. Highly recommend this unit, the...

5 years ago

PHIL1003 The Uni. of Western Australia

Michael Rubin is a fantastic lecturer and unit coordinator. He is able to explain difficult concepts...

5 years ago

ECOS3017 Uni. of Sydney

THE WORST CLASS I'VE EVER DONE- lecturer is a complete sadist who gets joy out of unfairly failing a...

5 years ago

ANTH1050 Macquarie

Loved this unit as it was well organized and super interesting

5 years ago

ANTH1051 Macquarie

A very engaging unit and the lecturer was funny.. tutorials were a bit confusing and assignments too...

5 years ago

AHIS140 Macquarie

I thought this unit would be an enjoyable people unit because I did Ancient History in high school a...

5 years ago

8147 Uni. of Canberra

Good subject to practice your writing and learn how to perfect small aspects of your writing, howeve...

5 years ago

DEVT10001 Uni. of Melbourne

fantastic subject - great content, well organised lectures and tutorials and the assessments in the...

5 years ago

MULT10018 Uni. of Melbourne

Interesting but lectures were not always relevant to assignments. My tutor and tutorial class were g...

5 years ago

SOLS10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Great subject, loads of interesting content (although sometimes the readings were heavy) and the tut...

5 years ago

HIST10012 Uni. of Melbourne

Great content and lectures were good, but the tutorials weren't too helpful and assignment feedback...

5 years ago

BLAW10002 Uni. of Melbourne

Really interesting subject content, and discussions in tutes were good too. But the subject wasn't s...

5 years ago

PSYC20008 Uni. of Melbourne

Had so much potential to be better but still a decent subject overall. The exam is a bit of a mess b...

5 years ago

ENGL2401 The Uni. of Western Australia

Absolute waste of time.This unit may seem fun with weekly film watching tasks, but the lectures and...

5 years ago

PHIL1012 Uni. of Sydney

Probably very different from the mainstream view of a philosophy class – this unit was similar to ma...

5 years ago

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