4,821 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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CHEM102 Wollongong

The organic chemistry component definitely made it interesting.

6 years ago

INFO20003 Uni. of Melbourne

quite disorganised with overcomplicated explanations of various topics. exam was HUGE - I would have...

6 years ago

CHEM1002 Uni. of Sydney

Great course. Key is to learn underlying concepts that will help you answer any question coming your...

6 years ago

MATH1014 Uni. of Sydney

Requires a lot of practice but worthwhile, relatively easy even if you're not a maths person

6 years ago

STAT1201 Uni. of Qld

Delivery of the lectures was quite dull, gets boring sometimes if you're not interested in statistic...

6 years ago

STAT1301 Uni. of Qld

Alan is a good lecturer. He would always be trying to teach us intuitively. STAT1201 is the harder p...

6 years ago

CHEM1200 Uni. of Qld

Pretty much like CHEM1100, teaching style and content wise. A relatively easy first year course.

6 years ago

STAT2003 Uni. of Qld

You have no choice but to attend the lectures as stuffs on the whiteboard are not recorded! Kind of...

6 years ago

CHEM1100 Uni. of Qld

A very easy and intuitive course. It's just a little too big so you'll probably need some friends or...

6 years ago

SCIE1100 Uni. of Qld

A relatively interesting and fun course. Besides the intuitive contents in SCIE1000, the extra conta...

6 years ago

SCIE1000 Uni. of Qld

An easy course as the materials and assessment are all based on your logical thinking skills. As lon...

6 years ago

BIOM2012 Uni. of Qld

Great and interesting course!!!

6 years ago

ENVS1018 Macquarie

I recommend avoiding this unit unless it is a prerequisite for another unit you are interested in. I...

6 years ago

HPSC2101 Uni. of Sydney

Lectures are pretty good, and are based very much off readings for the most part. So if you don't ge...

6 years ago

PSYC3042 Uni. of Qld

I loved the content in PSYC3042, but the new lecturer is extremely rude and condescending.

6 years ago

HPSC1900 Uni. of Sydney

Great subject material. All students who want to have opinions should take this course.

6 years ago

GEOS2121 Uni. of Sydney

Pretty interesting approach to environmental issues through economics and politics. Engaging, fairly...

6 years ago

MATH1061 Uni. of Qld

Fun and interesting subject that provides fundamental knowledge for other maths subjects. Assignment...

6 years ago

CPAT3201 Uni. of Sydney

The course was clearly split into the different modules each week and were taught very well. The con...

6 years ago

DEV3032 Monash Uni.

The unit is very interesting. You get a chance to do a research project under some research group wh...

6 years ago

DEV3022 Monash Uni.

Interesting unit. They bring in a lot of really well-renowned expert scientist to do lectures. Somet...

6 years ago

PHY2042 Monash Uni.

The unit content is not too bad but the lectures are SO boring. I feel like they could have taught t...

6 years ago

BME3082 Monash Uni.

THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING SUBJECT I HAVE EVER DONE AT UNI...EVER...!!!!!! But here is the deal, the u...

6 years ago

DEV3011 Monash Uni.

The subject material is pretty good. Well rounded syllabus. However, the lectures are quite boring m...

6 years ago

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