4,822 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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HMM301 Deakin Uni.

The content was huge in the unit, but was interesting to learn.

9 years ago

SLE222 Deakin Uni.

The pathways were so exciting. I really loved this unit.

9 years ago

SLE323 Deakin Uni.

The eportfolio assignment was challenging and was a rewarding experience.

9 years ago

SLE234 Deakin Uni.

Covered all the basic techiques needed in a microbiology lab. The practicals were interesting so was...

9 years ago

SLE321 Deakin Uni.

Techniques needed in molecular cell biology covered in the unit were so interesting and were relevan...

9 years ago

SLE206 Deakin Uni.

Learning the processes in cells at a molecular level was interesting.

9 years ago

SLE254 Deakin Uni.

Learning DNA in the gene level was exciting. Loved the subject.

9 years ago

SLE111 Deakin Uni.

An interesting unit. Studying genes in the cellular level cover all the basics in Biology

9 years ago

SLE221 Deakin Uni.

The prac exam was challenging. Continous learning and being up to date with the content helped alo...

9 years ago

SLE211 Deakin Uni.

Basic physiology concepts learning to depth. Loved the suject content

9 years ago

91161 UTS

Excellent subject, with lots of detail, but a lot of material in lectures is just extras, not needed...

9 years ago

65111 UTS

Chemistry 1 did repeat a lot of HSC chemistry concepts, but not necessarily a bad thing, as they are...

9 years ago

33116 UTS

I was nervous about stats, but starting this subject I found it much easier than I thought, and the...

9 years ago


Very dense material, but if you tune in, it's heaps of fun to train your brain to think properly.

9 years ago


Too much history, didn't learn much about the actual profession.

9 years ago


The prac's are mostly fun, though at the beginning it's mostly about learning skills. The theory can...

9 years ago


If you completed HSC biology or the Queensland equivalent, then this class will be boring theory wis...

9 years ago


If you have done HSC maths, then this class will be very boring, as it is simply a reiteration of mo...

9 years ago


If you like geography, climate and soil; then you'll really enjoy this class. Otherwise it can be ex...

9 years ago

PSYC3011 Uni. of Sydney

Mixed feelings about the subject - poor feedback given regarding the tutorial quizzes and the major...

9 years ago

PSYC3017 Uni. of Sydney

Ah, group work, the bane of university. However, don't be deterred from this unit just because of th...

9 years ago

PSYC3018 Uni. of Sydney

Really interesting unit, great for people thinking of going into clinical psychology. Group present...

9 years ago

300808 WSU

A fantastic introductory unit to the field of Chemistry. The lecturers and tutors were awesome as we...

9 years ago

BBE100 Macquarie

Most lecture content was interesting, and some of it was presented in a quite unique way. A fair bit...

9 years ago

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