Arts subject reviews at UniMelb
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While it was challenging, these skills are invaluable to any linguist. Having known about the IPA an...
10 months agoGEOG30028
Mobile Worlds is a third-year Geography intensive run in February. The subject was taught over six d...
10 months agoLING10002
Having interest in linguistics going into this subject I was quite disappointed. Lecturer was pretty...
10 months agoITAL10007
This subject was a great change of pace, with students working towards performing an Italian play in...
10 months agoANCW10002
I really wanted to enjoy this subject more than I did, but something about the structure just irked...
10 months agoLING10001
A very interesting subject and a great introduction to the field of linguistics. Pretty much you jus...
10 months agoARTS10002
This subject was definitely not the best, and to be honest is a waste of money considering it is com...
11 months agoCLAS10012
Latin 3 has a single timetable for both first-year and second-year students, and all three classes a...
11 months agoPHIL30016
Incredible subject, extremely engaging lectures (Howard is amazing)! Felt a little bit in the dark a...
11 months agoLING30014
One of the best subjects I've taken! Rachel was just an amazing lecturer and could always explain th...
11 months agoLING30007
This subject was quite good, although the assignments were fairly vague and boring. They involved so...
11 months agoPSYC30020
I absolutely loved this subject. I'm more of a physiology/medicine gal and this subject was right up...
1 year agoPSYC30016
I didn't really like this subject. The quizzes (10%) were basically a free 10%. However, the remaini...
1 year agoFLTV10010
Scored 91: For assignment 1, make sure to follow the guidelines. If it says no text, then don't use...
1 year agoPOLS20025
Interesting subject, especially if you're into IR. However, it's very theory-based and requires a lo...
1 year agoFINA10036
I was very on the fence about whether or not I liked this subject, it's great to have the opportunit...
1 year agoAHIS10001
Absolutely loved this subject!!! If you are at all interested in Art History I would definitely reco...
1 year agoPSYC30019
Pretty appalling and made me question whether continuing to study psychology at Melbourne is even wo...
1 year agoEDUC20073
Interesting and practical subject, and its greatest strength was how the assessments are 1) flexible...
1 year agoHIST10017
Fairly interesting topics but very poor execution of tutorials, we just discussed the readings as a...
1 year agoANCW10002
Topics were engaging and readings were quite cool, especially primary ones. 2 hour long lectures but...
1 year agoPSYC30020
Very interesting subject. You will cover topics such as Sleep (majority of it), neuroethics, pain (c...
1 year agoBrowse UniMelb subjects areas: