- The Uni. of Western Australia
- Subjects
- Business
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- 114 UWA Business tutors
- 651 UWA Business ratings and reviews
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Interesting unit
7 years ago
Well... the lecturer was not very efficient. Would end up drifting off topic, providing too many lif...
7 years ago
Great tutor for this unit and energetic lecturer! Some of the group assessment criteria was pretty o...
7 years ago
Uwana is great lecturer, very enthusiastic and approachable - tbh probably the best thing about the...
7 years ago
All the exams are exactly the same format as the mocks, so make sure you know those well!
7 years ago
Basic unit as long as you focus heavily on content and terminology. The lectures are direct replicas...
7 years ago
The pace is good. Learnt a lot. If you have trouble, ask your tutors or the lecturer, they are more...
7 years ago
I did this unit because I did accounting in high school so I found this unit quite easy but can defi...
7 years ago
The course requires a lot of contact hours and can get quite intensive, but the content of the cours...
7 years ago
Was a bit difficult at times but the final exam is much easier! Lecturer was really chill. Practice...
7 years ago
Unit is fairly easy but I don't like how the online quizzes are timed :'(
Do a bit of reading from...
7 years ago
As other reviews have noted, this unit requires a great deal of commitment and effort. It is so much...
7 years ago
Really interesting, real-world applicable topic.
8 years ago
If you keep up to date with lectures you'll do more than fine. Overall great unit.
8 years ago
Simple unit, concepts are pretty basic. If you want an easy broadening would recommend.
8 years ago
The lecturer is quite good at explaining everything and tutors are very helpful. This unit requires...
8 years ago
I hated this unit. Lectures covered basic content, the book has the same as the lectures, however, q...
8 years ago
Very interesting unit, Peter is a great lecturer but he's though. I found the assessments challengin...
8 years ago
Assessments very easy, MCQ on Mid-Sem and easy final exam. Classes tend to drag on though and the tu...
8 years ago
The lectures are a waste of time. They don't tell you what they want specifically. The first essay i...
8 years ago
Pretty interesting unit with easy mcq exams
8 years ago
Not a fan of this unit but had to do it for my Accounting major. Teachers were good but content was...
8 years ago
Absolutely loved this unit and the lecturer. It was so much fun going to the lectures
8 years ago
Good foundation for an Accounting major. Leo is such a lad. Liked the practical assignment.. could h...
8 years ago
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