- The Uni. of Western Australia
- Subjects
- Business
- 1,632 UWA Business textbooks
- 114 UWA Business tutors
- 651 UWA Business ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Business subjects at The Uni. of Western Australia...
Really loved this unit. Was administered very well an the lecturer was very thorough and explained t...
8 years ago
This unit is very quantitative, the theory is basically intuitive once you understand the mathematic...
8 years ago
Enjoyable unit, applicable valuation models and quite theory dense. The calculations are quite basic...
8 years ago
Challenging unit. Plenty of resources are provided to enhance learning. The examples covered in the...
8 years ago
Very well administered unit, excellent lecturer and thorough explanations provided. Online resources...
8 years ago
The lecturer this semester, Keith, did a good job at explaining the proofs of the formulas and the t...
8 years ago
The unit seems to flow pretty well, but can be challenging.
8 years ago
Lecturer was awesome - loved this unit. Really interested and wasn't a particularly strenuous unit,...
9 years ago
Interesting unit - lecturer however tended to go a little off track at times. Well set up and engagi...
9 years ago
The content of this unit covers things that you probably already know, but they just give them fancy...
9 years ago
Super interesting! Absolutely loved it and the I could pick up the textbook just for recreational re...
9 years ago
Loved the lecturer, super funny and makes going to the lectures at 9am worth it. Tutorials exercises...
9 years ago
Passionate lecturer who goes the extra mile to help students understand the content.
9 years ago
Fantastic lecturer who genuinely wants her students to do well and goes the extra mile to help.
9 years ago
Very interesting unit, but requires a lot of work. Going to lectures isn't enough, without doing the...
9 years ago
Sabine is a great teacher, making this a great unit. Important to read the texts given to you on tim...
9 years ago
Very thorough and comprehensive study of company law, even through the lectures. Supplement your lec...
9 years ago
Pretty straight forward unit, may be a little boring for those uninterested in learning about govern...
9 years ago
Good introduction to Taxation Law, but lecturers did change every so often so the depth and level of...
9 years ago
Very interesting unit and easy to pass. You just need to read the chapters!
9 years ago
Unit requires a lot of commitment - keep up with readings, know the case law well and attend and par...
9 years ago
Definitely buy the textbook and do the weekly readings. Put a lot of time & effort into the essay as...
9 years ago
Write lots of study notes based on the lecture materials and readings. I did this when I took the un...
9 years ago
The unit is an extension for the first year units 1403/1404. It is taught in conjunction with the 14...
9 years ago
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