- The Uni. of Western Australia
- Subjects
- Business
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- 651 UWA Business ratings and reviews
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really well structured and organised
9 years ago
Amazing unit, great lecturer. The content is relatively easy particularly for those who did WACE 2AB...
9 years ago
It is a very practical financial accounting unit.
9 years ago
Very interesting course.
9 years ago
If you are thinking of a career in law then this unit is a must. Despite being a first year unit it...
9 years ago
A lot of carryover from Math 3CD, and is useful later in degree to have a basic understanding of sta...
10 years ago
A really good unit that gives you an idea of whether a finance degree is for you. Quite heavy on cal...
10 years ago
quite a fun unit yet it requires thorough understanding. just find the key word of each of the proba...
10 years ago
I took this unit as a broadening and being 2nd year student, I don't think I've ever hated a unit mo...
10 years ago
Took this as a broadening unit in my first year. It definitely required more effort than I was used...
10 years ago
Many theories are needed to memorise.
10 years ago
An interesting finance unit. Many formulae and calculations will be taught. Practices are needed t...
10 years ago
A basic accounting background will make it easier to do this unit.
10 years ago
Learned and understood basic of costing accounting.
10 years ago
A little bit challenging unit.
10 years ago
Have to think a lot and logically.
Need to really understand what is going on of every case study....
10 years ago
A hard unit for me.
Many stuff in the textbook have to read each week
10 years ago
Anthony is a great lecturer. He provides a lot of real life examples and is entertaining to listen t...
10 years ago
A really well organised unit. Jacinta is a great teacher and provides you with a really structured o...
10 years ago
10 years ago
Shame it was terribly organised because I enjoyed the content. Exam was a total sham.
10 years ago
Interesting content, make sure you get a good group - majority of your marks go there. More theory t...
10 years ago
Simply terrbile.
10 years ago
If you're not into commerce, and straight forward business.. don't do this unit, or a Commerce degre...
10 years ago
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