4,822 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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MATH2070 Uni. of Sydney

Final exam was poorly organised as the paper was far too hard and had the wrong paper code on it whi...

7 years ago

MATH2068 Uni. of Sydney

The concepts taught were interesting. However the level of difficulty between the final exam (hard)...

7 years ago

HSTO3001 Uni. of Sydney

All the content is learned in lectures. Not a bad subject to do if you are good at memorising.

7 years ago

ANAT3007 Uni. of Sydney

Loads of content to memorise but very interesting. Final exam was very reasonable compared to the qu...

7 years ago

MATH1111 Uni. of Sydney

David Easdown is zaddy

7 years ago

PSYC1001 Uni. of Sydney

a pretty boring subject on the whole, but did have it's moments.. the unit coordinator Dr. Caleb Owe...

7 years ago

CBMS336 Macquarie

Lecturer and co-lecturer are really good (not dry) even if the lecture content is dry. The labs are...

7 years ago

CBMS223 Macquarie

I liked this unit and I liked Shoba (unpopular opinion). I ended with a high mark, but invested a lo...

7 years ago

BMED2403 Uni. of Sydney

Content heavy but very interesting and very organised in comparison to other BMED subjects.

7 years ago

BMED2402 Uni. of Sydney

Had to do this subject twice and it's been disorganised both times.

7 years ago

PHYS1022 The Uni. of Western Australia

Never done physics before and found this unit helpful for those planning to get early study for GAMS...

7 years ago

BIOL10004 Uni. of Melbourne

Easy if you have a background in biology.. not so much if you don't.. BUT best way to get a good gra...

7 years ago

PSYC2020 Uni. of Qld

This course was very heavy on biology and neuroanatomy. I was disappointed by the lack of relation t...

7 years ago

PHYS149 Macquarie

Didn't enjoy this unit as I'm studying chem/bio. Lectures were sometimes interesting with the live d...

7 years ago

CBMS223 Macquarie

Content was pretty interesting, content heavy when going through the different cycles in the body (a...

7 years ago

CBMS204 Macquarie

Did well in 103 so I thought this wouldn't be too bad as it builds on previous content (hahaha I was...

7 years ago

91161 UTS

If you love biology you'll be able to keep up with this subject with a little effort. It seems reall...

7 years ago

SLE133 Deakin Uni.

If you haven't done VCE chemistry DON'T PANIC! It's not rocket science trust me. Just stay up to da...

7 years ago

PHIL10002 Uni. of Melbourne

There's definitely quite a few readings, but if you enjoy philosophy, then this shouldn't be a major...

7 years ago

MUSI20168 Uni. of Melbourne

History of Pop subject with singing element. Not necessary to go or watch lectures. Final essay is m...

7 years ago

ATS1310 Monash Uni.

Super easy! didn't go to any lecture and got a HD, above 90% of both essays, would recommend

7 years ago

CHE140 Murdoch Uni.

I personally struggle with chemistry and I feel like the unit not employing attendance based lecture...

7 years ago

CRM100 Murdoch Uni.

Tutorials and lectures in this topic were some of the most interesting that I've had and recommend t...

7 years ago

CHE103 Murdoch Uni.

It definitely helps out a lot to do the reading, moreso than the Murdoch lectures. I recommend focus...

7 years ago

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