4,822 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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ATS1171 Monash Uni.

A lot of content but enjoyable.

10 years ago

PSY2202 Edith Cowan Uni.

We should have had individual tute classes or a lab class to provide a more in depth look at the mat...

10 years ago

BMS105 Charles Sturt Uni.

Terrible support from lecturers and confusing as a first subject. However, very easy to get through...

10 years ago

MCR101 Charles Sturt Uni.

I loved this subject! Amazing lecturer, some much needed humor, and straightforward study of textboo...

10 years ago

MTH3051 Monash Uni.

Very similar to MEC3456 (Engineering Computational Analysis). Very well taught and engaging.

10 years ago

PSYC1020 Uni. of Qld

Awesome subject, pretty easy to pass as long as you take some time every now and then to study.

10 years ago


Anyone fortunate enough to have Anne Galea as their co-ordinator is set to have a fair semester. Her...

10 years ago

IKC100 Charles Sturt Uni.

horrible subject. the lecturer is extremely self righteous. She is quite racist and so is the prescr...

10 years ago


Well taught and fairly well organised. Spot Test 2 is organised in the exam period which I'm on the...

10 years ago

BMS105 Charles Sturt Uni.

very easy subject. it was a bit wishy washy and not well planned. but relatively easy to get HD's

10 years ago

PSYC104 Macquarie

A necessary evil - some of the topics are great, some are immensely dull. Easy to pass, hard to exce...

10 years ago

PSYU2246 Macquarie

Well organised course, good tutors and the lecturer is, while not crazy amazing, perfectly fine.

10 years ago


One of the most useful education subjects if you're studying to become a teacher. Introduces the imp...

10 years ago

PHY2011 Monash Uni.

Amazing unit. Content's incredibly captivating, all lecturers and staff were very likeable and helpf...

10 years ago

DEV2011 Monash Uni.

Still in its infancy, this unit sure packs potential. All associated staff were very friendly, helpf...

10 years ago


Great subject, very interesting material, amazing lecturers, one of my favourite subjects. If you en...

10 years ago

BCH2011 Monash Uni.

Very content-heavy unit with interesting labs and great demonstrators. Lecturers were all very helpf...

10 years ago

MTH1010 Monash Uni.

John's a great lecturer, and a great guy. A useful first unit for those coming in with a moderate to...

10 years ago

COM10006 Swinburne Uni. of Technology

Done online - this was an absolutely fantastic introduction to online learning. Inspirational, clear...

10 years ago

DASC30005 Uni. of Melbourne

Applied Animal Behaviour will be a walk in the park for anyone who has done any psychology or behavi...

10 years ago

VETS30015 Uni. of Melbourne

The content in this subject is an extreme amount. Of the 36 lectures, more than half of them feel as...

10 years ago

VETS30011 Uni. of Melbourne

Though the content can sometimes be dry, this subject is well taught by consummate lecturers who car...

10 years ago


Unfortunately not a very enjoyable course. Lecturers could have been more helpful and enthusiastic.

10 years ago


Great topic with Great lecturers!

10 years ago

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