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SLE254 Deakin Uni.

The assignment writing was super interesting on the cat dna

4 years ago

JAPN10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Not a very difficult subject as long as you keep working on it. Tutors are the nicest tutor I have e...

4 years ago

MAST10012 Uni. of Melbourne

The pace of this subject is very fast and it would be alot easier if you had done year 12 maths inst...

4 years ago

PSYU3337 Macquarie

All of the below comments have really shed some light on the individuals completing an undergraduate...

4 years ago

PHAR1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

Very easy and interesting unit, just watch the lectures and you will easily get 90 plus in each of t...

4 years ago

EDUC20080 Uni. of Melbourne

The real WAM booster. I got H1 on all assignments. Sadly, I didn't get to do the placement due to Co...

4 years ago

EDUC10057 Uni. of Melbourne

One of the best subjects during my uni years!! It doesn't even feel like a subject, because everytim...

4 years ago

PSYC30013 Uni. of Melbourne

Amy Perfors is the best lecturer ever. I thought this subject would be so difficult, but she explain...

4 years ago

BIO1022 Monash Uni.

The subject branches out a lot more than BIO1011 in terms of content that was not covered already by...

4 years ago

BIO1011 Monash Uni.

I completed this unit way back in S1 2013 but I taught the unit as a PASS leader for 5 years. Very f...

4 years ago


Stay on top of your work. It's a good subject but really hard to catch up on. Assessments were relev...

4 years ago


Waste of time if you've done high school bio or chem or BABS1201. Too many assessments worth almost...

4 years ago


Good subject to make some friends in. Good practice for writing essays too.

4 years ago

MAST10006 Uni. of Melbourne

Pretty easy H1, keep up with the work, get help when you need it, that's honestly all you need to do...

4 years ago

PHYC10003 Uni. of Melbourne

The subject content was OK, I never really liked the highly conceptual bits, but loved the straightf...

4 years ago

JAPN10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Online learning forced JAP to be on zoom, with two sessions every week, 30mins per session; the rest...

4 years ago

Biol10009 Uni. of Melbourne

As a few other people have said, I also loved biology in high school, for some background, I got 44...

4 years ago

EDUC10057 Uni. of Melbourne

Lectures and tutorials are relaxing, interesting and engaging. The staff teaching this subject are r...

4 years ago

ENVS1004 The Uni. of Newcastle

Not a bad subject. Fairly interesting content with good lecturers. Jill is especially supportive of...

4 years ago

FREN10004 Uni. of Melbourne

I did the winter intensive for this course, and it was really, really enjoyable. I would recommend f...

4 years ago

ATOC20001 Uni. of Melbourne

Everyone who did it talked highly of this subject, and it definitely would have been more fun if not...

4 years ago

MUSC1981 The Uni. of Western Australia

It's a joke how easy this unit is. Most of the lectures are about how to do the essay or how to writ...

4 years ago

SSEH1103 The Uni. of Western Australia

This is a very fun and easy broadening unit. You don't need to be sporty to do this; it's more about...

4 years ago

PHAR1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

This unit is really interesting, and is an actual broadening unit because it doesn't just talk about...

4 years ago

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