4,819 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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MIIM30014 Uni. of Melbourne

Honestly, Yes virology is interesting especially if you want to know about COVID-19 but this subje...

4 years ago


If you're doing COMP1100, and youre thinking of doing COMP1130, heres the difference; 1130 has extr...

4 years ago


This course can be really hit or miss. IMO The content is really interesting and the later assignmen...

4 years ago

BIOC2000 Uni. of Qld

I was tutored by Melanie and she is just absolutely amazing. She taught me so well and made BIOC 200...

4 years ago

PSYC2212 The Uni. of Western Australia

Do not do this uint, in fact, DO NOT choose any PSYC unit that is organised/taught by Nicolas Fay, h...

4 years ago

PHYC10005 Uni. of Melbourne

At the time when I was completing this subject, I wasn't a fan- there was a lot to cover, there was...

4 years ago

Biol10009 Uni. of Melbourne

The short answer exam was really difficult for the amount of time given to complete it. The multiple...

4 years ago

MAST10007 Uni. of Melbourne

Many describe this unit as "abstract" and I couldnt agree more. But very H1able and probably the eas...

4 years ago

Biol10009 Uni. of Melbourne

Before I begin, I apologise for the poor formatting, it's really hard to hold my frustration in from...

4 years ago

PSYU3337 Macquarie

This unit is challenging but you learn a lot. The information is super useful as well. When I was on...

4 years ago

Data2902 Uni. of Sydney

I like the unit a lot, but I believe the content was not very different from the unit DATA2002. The...

4 years ago

DATA2002 Uni. of Sydney

Good content, a bit heavy on the mathematical side. The best part of the unit is the lecturer, Garth...

4 years ago

2204NSC Griffith

This course is difficult if you fall behind, or aren't motivated. Explains some concepts well such...

4 years ago

3301NSC Griffith

I was reading ahead with this course but still content heavy if you don't have prior experience. A...

4 years ago

ERTH20001 Uni. of Melbourne

The majority of the lecturers are excellent - great teachers, know their content. The content itse...

4 years ago

GEOG30023 Uni. of Melbourne

The field trip is an amazing experience. (Driving around the south island of New Zealand to look at...

4 years ago

UNIB20008 Uni. of Melbourne

One of my favourite subjects. Really interesting content, great lecturers, really in-depth look at...

4 years ago

GEOG10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Easy first year subject, I watched all the lectures on 2x and did half the readings and still manage...

4 years ago

STA60001 Swinburne Uni. of Technology

Wonderful unit. Very intense amount of learning materials for the lighthearted, however Imma the tea...

4 years ago

MATH2031 The Uni. of Western Australia

This unit is extremely rewarding albeit intense studying is necessary since the questions cannot be...

4 years ago

MATH2021 The Uni. of Western Australia

The material was presented in a satisfactory manner but the lecturer (Des Hill) was anything but spo...

4 years ago

BIO1022 Monash Uni.

BIO1022 IS LITERALLY AMAZING! Okay so listen, I had no prior experience in biology before bio1011 an...

4 years ago

GEOS1001 Uni. of Sydney

The content in this unit is really dry and at times, very disorganised as there were multiple lectur...

4 years ago

ATS2173 Monash Uni.

teacher not nice, very judgemental, unhelpful

4 years ago

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