4,822 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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BIO10004 Swinburne Uni. of Technology

There's a lot of content to get through so you definitely need to stay on top of things, but through...

8 years ago

BCMB20002 Uni. of Melbourne

Hard work definitely pays off in this subject. Overall lecture content is interesting and I honestly...

8 years ago

BCMB20002 Uni. of Melbourne

Great subject! Very interesting syllabus and enthusiastic lecturers. Exams and assessments were fair...

8 years ago

PSYC2040 Uni. of Qld

Such interesting content and is so light and fun in comparison to the other compulsory subjects you...

8 years ago

PSYC2020 Uni. of Qld

As one person has said before if you have done biological courses or subjects in uni or high school...

8 years ago

BIOL105 Wollongong

Skeletal. pulminary, renal, nervous, respiratory etc - this is how it all works together in various...

8 years ago

BIOL104 Wollongong

I'm biased. I LOVED this ECOLOGY subject & was asked to teach PASS. I loved the drawing, I loved the...

8 years ago

STAT252 Wollongong

Difficult to understand. Professor G is beyond teaching undergrad. The 'open book' exam (60%) was a...

8 years ago

BIOL103 Wollongong

Heavy on the chemistry side - no problem if you do 1st year chem subjects concurrently. PASS is avai...

8 years ago

PHYS20008 Uni. of Melbourne

An extremely well taught subject. Tips? Make sure you attend the workshops (even though they are r...

8 years ago

GEOS2042 Macquarie

Simon George is the convenor and lecturer for most of the weeks. The content is laid out very clearl...

8 years ago

ATS1309 Monash Uni.

Quite an application based unit that challenges you to think beyond the course to link concepts to r...

8 years ago

GEOS1100 Uni. of Qld

This course is content heavy however the knowledge gained from it is very useful and fundamental for...

8 years ago

ANHB2212 The Uni. of Western Australia

Overall really enjoyable and interesting unit, the labs are great and easy marks, as are the revisio...

8 years ago

BMED2402 Uni. of Sydney

Hard subject with lots of content to revise. Lecturers are mostly good and most practicals are fasci...

8 years ago

PSYC2911 Uni. of Sydney

The subject is really fascinating from a Neuroscience perspective. Most of the lecturers are great,...

8 years ago

CHEM1002 The Uni. of Western Australia

Very interesting first year unit that doesn't just focus on a review of school content. Possible to...

8 years ago

MAST10005 Uni. of Melbourne

Great supporting lecture notes and generally well taught. Getting through tutorial questions at a mi...

8 years ago

MAST20009 Uni. of Melbourne

Hugely important and interesting but has been poorly taught of late. Big step up from first year, so...

8 years ago

FREN10004 Uni. of Melbourne

Really great language to learn and a good way to help boost your GPA :)

8 years ago

BIOL257 Macquarie

I found it so super interesting, and yes it's certainly a challenging unit but the things you learn...

8 years ago

STAT2701 Flinders

The lecturer never actually looked at our drafts, so the feedback we got was not related to our spec...

8 years ago

BIOC2000 Uni. of Qld

The content can be slightly overwhelming but it is still interesting. The assessments are really eas...

8 years ago

BIOM2011 Uni. of Qld

The lecture content is very interesting after the first module. The first two pracs are breezy, easy...

8 years ago

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