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  • 1,588 UWA Science ratings and reviews

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The last quiz screwed me over as three of the questions were based on readings that were not made av...

5 hours ago


The workshops were the best part - they solidified content learnt throughout the week, and was an ov...

20 hours ago


For me, the content was the best part of the unit. Though I wish we delved deeper on Roman myths...w...

20 hours ago


Insane workload. 2-5 compulsory readings for tutorials each week, along with 1-3 extended readings....

21 hours ago


As of 2024, the assignment structure of this unit is quite bizarre. 85% of your grade comes from exa...

23 hours ago


The unit is very well organised and Ricky is a very good unit coordinator. He pretty much responded...

23 hours ago


Literally the best easiest funnest unit I did all year. No lectures, just some videos you have to wa...

1 day ago


Same as MUSC1981, just with a slightly more academic essay topic. Essay was still easy though. Loved...

1 day ago


This unit is honestly one of the easier biomed units. There are only 2 lectures a week, most lecture...

1 day ago


Not as good as ANHB1101. Each lecture has a lot more content - PLEASE DON’T TRY TO MAKE HANDWRITTEN...

1 day ago


It's not as easy as some of the reviews say, still requires a lot of work. This is expected, but amo...

1 day ago


This was by far my best structured unit; it was super organised. It's very easy to get 16% of your g...

1 week ago


It's a HD-able unit, and I particularly enjoyed doing the film review and reflection. The essay was...

1 week ago


After reading the many 1 star reviews, I was a bit ambivalent about this unit. However, the new coor...

2 weeks ago


Structure of the unit: 1 lab journal, 1 group presentation (around Wk 9), and a final exam Labs a...

2 weeks ago


Troy does his best to make what is some truly very boring content engaging, and it does help. I did...

2 weeks ago


Bit strange there are no other reviews so I guess I'll write one. The content was definitely interes...

2 weeks ago


Favourite unit this semester. I never met the old coordinator, but Kristin was very approachable and...

2 weeks ago


This could have been a great unit, but it was let down by the unit coordinator. While it was a sig...

2 weeks ago


I liked this unit, Mel is a cool lecturer and there isn't too much content. The tutorials were good...

3 weeks ago


Very useful unit, but also very time consuming and frustrating at times. There are 2+ hours of lectu...

3 weeks ago


Took this unit as an elective, and I wish I could give this 0 stars because it is honestly one of th...

3 weeks ago


This unit has 6x 3hr labs, 4x post-lab sessions (alternating with labs), and a weekly workshop. Quit...

3 weeks ago


Very fast-paced for people with prior Japanese knowledge, its very hard to catch back up if you end...

3 weeks ago

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